Tuesday, October 18, 2011

perfect in every way

i love me some baby ... especially when mine are snoozin' in their cribs and i can play with one that isn't mine! :) i had the pleasure of meeting this little guy, ryan joseph, when he was just 18 days new! what a perfect little guy. his mom, lacey and dad, joe are absolutely blessed with this little guy. he was perfect in every way. thank you ryan for giving me my baby fix for that fantastic wednesday afternoon.

i told you he was perfect in every way!

a little piece of my heart

i had the pleasure of taking 1 year photos of my niece, gabriella hope! love the name ... love the parents! :) she is such a cutie patootie ... she always will have a little piece of my heart. happy 1st birthday to my goddaughter and niece! love you baby girl!


i have been so bad lately with getting all my new sessions blogged. :/ i have been busy busy busy. between maternity sessions, birthday sessions, newborn sessions and my 16 month old twins ... maybe busy isn't the correct word to use here. :)

well, to start off, i had another GORGEOUS mommy and daddy to be session. K.C. & Sara are due in late december with their first baby...BOY! i am so honored to have been able to capture these amazing and glowing moments of them before they enter the awesomeness of parenthood. with the weather cooperating with us (actually, it was a little warm for a cleveland october saturday) we had the world on a string. so without further ado...here's K.C. & Sara (baby boy in the oven):

...did i forget to mention that Sara is absolutely STUNNING!?!